New Directions for Geoinformation Technologies Series of Virtual Seminars (May 05-27, 2021)
2021-04-14 14:32
​①The invitation link for every presentation have been posted on this page .You can download the conference invitation links at the bottom of the page.②The invitation link for every presentation is different.③Free registration
VGE Team Led by Professor Zhu Qing and Professor Hu Han Won "Huawei Cloud Cup" 2020 Artificial Intelligence Innovation Application Competition
2020-12-22 17:47
​The VGE team led by Professor Zhu Qing and Professor Hu Han of our school won the first place in "Huawei Cloud Cup" 2020 Artificial Intelligence Innovation Application Competition with a prize of RMB 100,000. The team has also won the second place in Digital China Innovation Contest 2020 · Digital Government Circuit with the same amount of prize. The AI-themed nation-wide AI competition is fo...
Zhao Xiaoyan, a member of the Party Committee, lectured the special party lesson of "the spirit of the fifth plenary session of the 19th CPC Central Committee" for the Geological Party Branch of the Ministry of Education
2020-12-03 21:34
Geological Party Branch held the "study and implement the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC" theme party day activities on December 3, 2020 in X4420. Party Committee Member Xiaoyan Zhao gave a lecture "the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC" for Geological Party Branch. The meeting was presided over by Zhihou Zhang, the branch secretary.Xiaoyan Zhao, vice Dean...
Vice Dean of FGEE Prof. Zhao and Prof. Wuennemann Guided a Joint Field Excursion at Wenchuan
2020-12-01 21:28
​Prof. Dr. Bernd Wuennemann, who received the Chinese Government Friendship Award and was pointed as a state specially recruited foreign expert in ‘1000 Talents’ Plan’, is invited as a full distinguished professor at FGEE from end of December 2020 on. Since then, Prof. Dr. Wuennemann highly engaged to establish a multi-disciplinary research and education group together with Prof. Dr. Zhao X...